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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - sparkle


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Перевод с английского языка sparkle на русский

блеск, искрение (вина)

искриться (о вине)

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См. в других словарях

  1. искорка 2. блестка 3. проблеск not a sparkle of wit —- ни капли остроумия 4. блеск, сверкание 5. живость, оживленность 6. "игра" (в вине) the wine has lost its sparkle —- вино перестало играть 7. остроумие 8. искриться, сверкать; переливаться her eyes sparkled with joy —- ее глаза сияли радостью the tables sparkled with silver and crystal —- столы сверкали серебром и хрусталем 9. быть оживленным; блистать 10. играть, искриться (о вине) 11. отличаться, блистать his aphorisms sparkle with wit —- его афоризмы блещут остроумием ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) искорка  2) блеск, сверкание  3) живость, оживленность  2. v.  1) искриться; сверкать  2) играть, искриться (о вине)  3) быть оживленным; блистать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v.intr. 1 a emit or seem to emit sparks; glitter; glisten (her eyes sparkled). b be witty; scintillate (sparkling repartee). 2 (of wine etc.) effervesce (cf. STILL(1) adj. 4). --n. a gleam, spark. Derivatives sparkly adj. Etymology: ME f. SPARK(1) + -LE(4) SPARKLER n. 1 a person or thing that sparkles. 2 a hand-held sparkling firework. 3 colloq. a diamond or other gem. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; sparkling)  Etymology: Middle English, frequentative of sparken to spark  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to throw out sparks  b. to give off or reflect bright moving points of light  c. to perform brilliantly  2. effervesce wine that ~s  3. to become lively or animated the dialogue ~s with wit eyes sparkling with anger  transitive verb to cause to glitter or shine  Synonyms: see flash  • sparkly adjective  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, diminutive of sparke  Date: 14th century  1. a little spark ; scintillation  2. the quality of sparkling  3.  a. animation, liveliness  b. the quality or state of being effervescent ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sparkles, sparkling, sparkled) 1. If something sparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lot of very small points of light. The jewels on her fingers sparkled... His bright eyes sparkled. ...the sparkling blue waters of the ocean. = glitter VERB: V, V, V-ing • Sparkle is also a noun. ...the sparkle of coloured glass. N-UNCOUNT 2. Sparkles are small points of light caused by light reflecting off a clear bright surface. ...sparkles of light... There was a sparkle in her eye that could not be hidden. N-COUNT 3. Someone who sparkles is lively, intelligent, and witty. She sparkles, and has as much zest as a person half her age... VERB: V c darkgreen]approval • Sparkle is also a noun. There was little sparkle in their performance. N-UNCOUNT • sparkling He is sparkling and versatile in front of the camera. ADJ 4. see also sparkling ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to shine in small bright flashes  (The diamond ring sparkled in the sunlight.) 2 if someone's eyes sparkle, they shine brightly, especially because the person is happy or excited  (Ron's eyes sparkled with excitement.)  (- see also sparkling) ~2 n 1 a bright shiny appearance, with tiny points of flashing light 2 a quality that makes something seem interesting and full of life  (The dialogue doesn't have much sparkle.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 12c., frequentive verb form of M.E. sparke (see spark). Sparkler in the fireworks sense is from 1879. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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